16 Right in Hi-Def
I took my oldest son to see the movie last night in San Francisco. The digital projection was impressive, and it was a treat to see it on the big screen.
Brian Terwilliger, the producer director, is a young guy with a ton of passion about flight. It was interesting to hear him speak about making the film.
He mentioned how the airport first turned him down and that he started shooting the film undercover. It was only after he screened a long trailer for the airport folks that they realized that his "documentary" was not a hit piece and then gave him full access.
One interesting note and an indicator of General Aviation in America, was that eight of the interviewees have since passed, three before the film was completed. Last night at the film, my son and one other young boy were the only two individuals under twenty, and I would put the average age near forty.
Highlight for the night (well having the whole evening with my son was big highlight) was my son asking Brian, “Why do you like to fly?” Nothing like the big question from a six year old.