Wednesday, November 22, 2006

25,000 miles and 20 hours

Well, not all at once. I was looking at my frequent flyer millage earlier as I scheduled next weeks unexpected visit to the Midwest and Texas. 25k, it's a bunch of miles for me. All of it out of range to a VFR pilot fly 150knot planes.

Even with VPN and various remote access devices, I still get the demand to be on-site, just in case.

For the 20 hours; I just added the last flight from a week ago in the the log book. I took my oldest son out for some "just dad" time and we had dinner at KHAF. A good time was had and he enjoyed another low level run on the mothball fleet. He's requested a more exciting destination for the next trip so I'm scouting, I think it'll be Merced and the museum.


At 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"mileage" not "millage"


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