Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Moving on

Well I've gone ahead and resigned from the AAC. I had a flight scheduled for last week that was scrubed due to the aircraft being in maintenance. It was to have been my last flight with the club.

Now, I'll just mail the badge back and move on.

They still have my first plane, which I sold to the club. I'll check back from time to time to see how it's doing.


At 9:54 AM, Blogger Hamish said...

Wow -- that's a shame, but I understand the reasons. I guess I'm one of the few that are still with the AAC, but maybe not for long (I like having the gate pass, but I haven't actually flown with them for months). There's quite a few AAC refugees over at CalAir now, but even at CalAir I wonder how well things will go when fuel gets ever pricier...

And here's a view of your old plane before it got less of a tongue-twister callsign (and a makeover): Nice plane -- I always enjoyed flying it, and it was one of the workhorses for getting my instrument rating.

At 4:26 PM, Blogger SloppyPilot said...

I really grateful to have had the chnace to have been an owner and club memeber.

Jsut the chance to get to know some of the characters(Doug and Pierre now gone) and get plugged into the local scene was worth while on its own.


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