Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Club searching

So far I have no hits in the search for a new flying venue.

I took some time off during the day last week and went out to LVK to check out the posting boards at the terminal and just drive around the hangers to see what I could see.

One thing I did find interesting was the number of SR-22's in the tie down area. I happened across the hanger waiting list on the terminal and it's a five year wait. I think we'll be seeing more new planes in the tie downs if some new hangers don't get built.

One thing I did notice again was the M20j Mooney that has been sitting minus engine and prop in the ties downs for some time. I remember when my oldest son and I would go for an airport walk back when he was around two or so, that same airplane had been sitting there then. It's sad in a way, except for the missing drive train it's in great shape, although one of the tires has finally gone out. I looked up the owners name out of curiosity; I wonder what keeps someone making the tie down payments over the years while the plane just sits. Maybe I'll do a google search and see if I can find an email contact.

Anyway, I also did a posting to the TB Owners web site to see if there were any other TB-20's for rent in the area. So far no hits, except for the two that are at the West Valley Flying Club, well off my beaten track (and budget).


At 11:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you check out the Flying Particles at LVK. Several aircraft - member owned.


At 9:34 PM, Blogger SloppyPilot said...

I've run across the website, and not contacted them yet. Wish they had some newer aircraft, but I'll check them out.


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