Thursday, September 08, 2005


Another reminder that when it all comes apart we are all responsible for our own lives, and are the first ones that can be of help to those of us around.

I disagree with the often repeated notion that this kind of even bring out both the good and bad in people. I think that this kind of event takes each individual to their most basic level of operation. There are plenty of sad and disappointing stories of inflicted pain and suffering by some bad indviduals. Though, I'm heartened by the story of a young man who drove a school bus full of folks to saftey. The six year old caring for 5 small kids(sad yes, but how strong for one so young).

I've given money, and my level of piloting skills precludes any help from that avenue. I'm traveling to Texas later this month I'll see what I can do down there as well.


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