Thursday, June 23, 2005

Hi my name is David, and I'm a sloppy pilot...

The twelve step analogy wears thin even after one sentence. It's not where I want to go.

What that is, for me, is to be more of an “artful pilot”. An artful pilot is pushing for more, trying to improve themselves on each visit to the cockpit.

Another aspect of the artful pilot is awareness. I’ve seen this on the tarmac, the pilot who starts the preflight 100 yards away from the plane. They are already taking in the scene, looking for the large details. Condition of the tie down, aircraft exterior, ground, etc.

The sloppy pilot drives to the plane without a glance, is already loading the aircraft, dropping the flaps and missing something along the way.

Nothing serious has happened, no "Never Again" kind of moment. I just know I can and should do better.

Next time out I’m going to try for former instead of the latter, let’s see what happens….


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