Tuesday, June 28, 2005

One of the usual suspects for being sloppy, at anything, is a lack of doing. As a recent Usenet poster stated being a successful long term aircraft renter is both daunting and rare. Just this week the plane I was planning on using for two future trips removed from the line, and an expired security badge preventing me from accessing the other club I can rent from. Fortunately I've managed to switch to another plane on one of the trips, but the other is looking more like a driving trip at this point.

Combine the possible unavailability with the daily minimums that preclude the use of rentals for family trips and it's just hard to keep myself in the air.

Thankfully I've been able to add some clients out of the local area and have been doing business related (read: free) flying.

My hope/plan is to continue to add enough of those kind of clients to justify( to me at least ) the purchase or share of plane.


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